Recently Carlos took a hike up Pillar Mountain. The hike was actually up the road but it was snow covered and had lots of ice so it is classified as challenging for him. Along the way the dogs and Carlos met a group of ravens catching the wind currents, as the winds were up to 40 mph. Suddenly one of these 4# ravens decided that with the help of the wind, he/she might be able to pick up a larger load. A few minutes later others got the same idea and took turns trying to attack our 10# dog, Raton. Fortunately, they were not successful. Raton ran back to Carlos for protection after her harrowing experience. Next time he decided to take his 22 (He doesn't think ravens are an endangered species).
The eagles continue to enjoy the weather on Kodiak. At times you will see dozens just sitting in trees or along the roofs of buildings. Hope you enjoy these photos of a few Carlos photographed the other day. This is what happens after a full meal.