Like all American cities, we too look forward to the sales on Black Friday. We particularly like the 20% discount, starting at 6 AM, at one of our sporting goods stores.
Here is what we got:
For him: 1) insulated Muck rain boots for hiking in the rain & 2)a reflective jacket for riding the bike to & from work in the dark.
For her: 1) a fleece jacket and gloves, plus 2) a new 357 magnum and hearing protection! What a lucky girl, wouldn't you say?
In this blog we often talk about the "natural" things of Kodiak. But, we live in a surprisingly advanced island.
For example, on the week before Thanksgiving we launched a non-military rocket, sending into orbit 7 satelites and 16 scientific experiments.
Think we're kidding, don't you?
We might like fishing, hiking, and other outdoors stuff. But we are not "all Bubba".
Check out the video of the take off:
The launch site is located just beyond the place I took the pics on the blog before Thanksgiving, of the last salmon swimming upstream and the eagle's feast. It's just past the Pasagshak river.
November 14, 2010 and it is finally getting cold: 28 degrees, snow on the mountain tops and frost on the ground.
But, life goes on. Here is perhaps the last of the salmon trying to make it up the Pasagshak river.
It never ceases to amaze me how these guys swim in water that is not deep enough to even cover their bodies. What procreate and then die!
But, alas, these will probably not make it in time. Weather and competitors in the food chain take their toll.
Despite the salmon's best efforts, they will only provide sustenance for other animals to make it through the winter.
Check out Sunday's scene on this one minute video.
This week there has been a lot of "news" items about Sarah's upcoming 8 part series on TLC about her beloved Alaska.
Was it truly done because her love for the wilderness, her aspiration for political office, or is it the $ 1.5 million per episode she was reportedly seeking?
Well, we have to tell you, that people in Alaska do not think as highly of Sarah as you in the lower 48.
As far as we are concerned, half way through her term as governor, when one is supposed to bring into effect all the promises made during the election and the first half of her term":