Saturday, August 13, 2011

Buffaloes along the road

On our trip we saw 9 black bears, one brown bear, 4 stone sheep, uncountable number of elk, 2 caribou, 2 moose and innumerable buffaloes.

Here is one.

And quite a few moms and babes were by the side of the road.

Quite a few just crossed the road in front of us if we just weren't there.

But this local Canadian must have had things to do, places to go.

So.... he presses his horn. Loud and long!

Meanwhile, a slow rumble begins right around us.

And then it turns into a full stampede.

With more than 50 buffaloes run right around us,

good thing we were inside the van, instead of taking pics outside!

Finally, they come to a stop.

Meanwhile, a bike rider had been about 2 blocks north of the herd as they started their run towards us.

This is his face when it was all over and we drove up to where he was.
"What have I gotten myself into?" is probably what was on his mind.

Don't you think?

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