Tuesday, February 19, 2013

Deers close up

The Internet says we have 65,000 deer on the island. Wow! That's like a decimal point more than I would expect. But then, we see a lot of them.

I often see 3  at noon if I look out the window at work, at the ridge about 40 feet above the parking lot.

Come to think of it, we usually seem to see 3 together. And they are not the same ones, cause we can occasionally see 2 or 3 groups on the way home.

Last Saturday we saw some right outside the house of friends as we sent to dinner.
When we came out, 2 hours later, there they still were.


The big one came even closer, as close as 5 feet.
Looked like it wanted to be petted!

But I thought about it getting scared and a hoof suddenly coming up .
No, thank you. That was close enough for me!

Anyway, doesn't that little one look like a sheep?

Chunky little guy!

That's because we have had a REALLY mild winter.
Only now is it starting to snow, and melts by the next day!
No nights under zero so far this year.

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