Wednesday, March 13, 2013

Travelling the AK Highway in winter

Some people might think this is crazy,
but we decided to drive the Alaska Highway in winter.

So, at the beginning of March we got on the ferry to Whittier ,
to start a 4,500 mile road trip to South Texas.

There's much animal life to see, particularly in Alaska. 
Lots of moose early in the morning, but it was too early to photograph. 

As the sun came up to caribou came out. I think was 6 herds before we got to the Canadian border.

The moment we got to the Canadian border, all wildlife disappeared. 
I think I know the reason. 
It's right here in this picture.

I think the Alaska highway department puts salt on the roads to melt the ice & snow 
and that's the reason that wildlife lick it up.

Anyway, we think we'll show what we see traveling down the road,
whenever we get Internet access on our nightly stops in sites of civilization, Whitehorse, the capital of the Yukon with a total of 28,000 out of the total  34,000 people in the entire Province. That is less than 0.1 person per square kilometer. 
And that means....not too many cars to meet on the road!

Lets hope for a safe and happy Road Trip !


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