Tuesday, April 16, 2013

Anchorage is Ready for Spring

Despite the recent snows, Anchorage is ready for Spring.

And more supplies are on the way for summer enjoyment.

We ran into this convoy of kayaks and canoes just north of Dawson Creek.
According to their license plate and name on the trucks, they were from Minnesota.

They were one of the folks we had a lot in common with, during the trip.
Stopped at most of the same station and even seemed to stay at the same motels.
Guess the human body gets tired at the same rate, no matter how fast you want to go.

And wouldn't you know it....
when we went to Anchorage REI, there they were, unpacking their load.

We took the opportunity to check out the new kayaks.
Seems they are a lot lighter than the plastic ones we have,
and are made of a thin layer of fiberglass mesh.
Makes us wonder how they'll stand up to the rocky beaches of Kodiak.

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